My portfolio

All of my projects are available on my Github profile

Which Stranger Things character am I?

Github Repo

Live Site

Angular App using Spotify Web API to find which Stranger Things character the user is most like

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Jiu-Jitsu Companion

Github Repo

Live Site

MERN stack app to track jiu-jitsu progress, create a gameplan, and take notes.

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Random Workout Generator

Github Repo

Live Site

Oracle Helidon MP project including REST operations to obtain exercises from a MySQL database. Docker was introduced to speed up local development. The React frontend connects to a container deployed to Heroku. The steps to reproduce this are included in the README.

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Github Repo

Live Site

React App using the Spotify Web API to find the least popular song for an artist.

Built with


Github Repo

Live Site

NodeJS social media app with passport-github authentication.

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